We have fine a team of experienced & skilled technicians for repairing jobs like Accidental Repair, Brushing, Painting, Electriacl Repair, Wheel Alignment, Dent Repair, Axle & Suspension Repair, Kingpin Repair, Tail Door Repair, Locking Repair, Regular Maintenance, Hub Greasing and all other parts repairing. Our charges are very feasible for all the repairing works.
We provide fitment services for all kind of trailer parts. Fitment job is done by skilled technicians under expert supervision.
Govt of India has extended the load limit for trailers. For this increasing the height of the side wall to increase the capacity of the trailer is done by the expert mechanic with high level of quality and robustness.
When you purchase a new trailer, we offer Expert Consultation so that you can choose the right trailer and get the benefit in your work.